A last thought
We all have a story to share.
During the journey of life, you’ll encounter obstacles. Some are big; some are small.
Some outweigh the obstacles of others; some don’t.
You may feel – as you travel along your path – that there are more obstacles than journey…
What we often forget is that we’re not on this journey alone, and reaching out to find help and support, is OK.
It is OK to make mistakes.
It is OK to stumble or fall.
It is BRAVE to get back up ...
and try again.

It is important during the journey to look inward,
to answer tough questions,
to make the changes needed to live your best life.
To be truly happy, you need to apply your whole self, truthfully.
I can give you the tools and skills;
BUT only you
can make the real changes needed in your life.

If you're in crisis or experiencing a mental health emergency, please call a crisis hotline or go to your nearest emergency room for immediate assistance.